Professional Pet Sitting
& Pet Waste Management

Bonded and Insured

BestOfBuddiesPetCare Logo

BestOfBuddiesPetCare Logo

Best of Buddies
Pet Care & Poop Patrol

Pet sitting

Dog waste removal

Professional Pet Sitting
& Pet Waste Management
Bonded and Insured

CT Pet Sitter Buddies

dog on beach chunky cat relaxing pet ducks eating small dog with harness dog with baseball in mouth lounging cat bird with red dot on head cute small dog with fluffy ears bunny and cat best friends cat relaxing on play mat cat playing with toy tan dog posing gray cat with twisted head cat laying upside down dog best buddies fish in tank dog laying on floor guinea pig eating cat napping on lap cat relaxing on cat bed dog smiling orange cat goofy dog playing outside rabbit outdoors